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Fat Injection

The young face has a full and tense appearance. Over time, our fat tissue on the face decreases and hangs down. Weak facial structure can cause tired and old appearance. For a youthful appearance, fillers can be used or fat injection can be made.

Fat tissue is taken from the abdomen or inner leg by liposuction method and injected into the needed areas. Since it is your own fat tissue, it looks natural and your body does not react. It is permanent about 60%. It expands with weight gain and thins with weight loss. Fat injection can be done almost anywhere on the face that is deemed necessary. Cheeks, forehead, chin, rim lines, temples are the most common areas. In addition, oil injection is also used to correct congenital or accidental depressions on the face. Fat injection is most commonly applied to the face area, but it can also be applied to many parts of the body in need, if needed.

How permanent is fat injection?

Some of the fat injection is permanent. After the oil injection, 30-70% permanence is ensured.

Is fat injection harmful?

Fat injection is not a harmful procedure, but it has risks. Infection bleeding and fat necrosis cysts may occur.

When does fat injection heal?

It takes 3-6 days for swelling and bruising to disappear after fat injection. It may take up to 2 weeks for the injections to settle completely.

What does fat injection do?

With fat injections; Wrinkles can be removed and the desired area can be plumped.


How many hours does fat injection surgery take?

The duration of the fat injection surgery varies according to how much fat will be transferred. It takes 30-60 minutes on average.

Is fat filling done under the eyes?

Fat filling can be done under the eyes. It is applied to remove the pit appearance under custody. oil filling; It can be applied to areas such as cheeks, forehead, chin.


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