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İllumination Text

As “Op.Dr.Dürdane Keskin”, the extent to which the personal data we obtain from our patients can be processed as a Data Controller in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, taking into account the privacy issues, is explained below.

What is the Method and Legal Reason for Collecting Your Personal Data?

Your personal data; For the establishment and fulfillment of the health service contract with you under the KVKK, in order to fulfill our legal obligations, provided that data processing is necessary for our legitimate interests, provided that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not harmed, preventive medicine, execution of medical diagnosis services, provision of health services, financing and It is processed in accordance with the relevant legal regulations and by taking the measures taken by the KVK Board, for the purpose of management, statistical work to increase the service quality, ensuring workplace safety.

Your personal data; By filling in patient information forms, consent forms and patient treatment cards by you, by written, verbal and e-mail notifications from you, by patient phone call records, by the information entered by you on our website, by notifications from your private health insurance company It is obtained as a result of your medical examinations, by means of closed circuit security camera footage, through notifications from the hospital, health institution where you are treated, where you have medical examination and analysis.

Your personal data; It refers to your health information, medical history, identity information, photograph, security camera recording, contact information, profession, data you reported in patient information and consent texts, your medical history, your medical history, your identity information, your photograph, your profession, your health information, which you convey to us in writing, verbally, electronically, during and after the examination/diagnosis/treatment. and this information is stored in physical and digital environment. Your personal data can be processed and transferred in accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the KVKK, with the real and legal persons specified in this “Clarification Text” and for the purposes listed below, within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the KVKK.

For What Purpose Do We Process Your Personal Data?

To provide your personal data, medical treatment and services, to inform you about our services, to inform you about the appointment if you make an appointment, to provide you with the opportunity to benefit from products, services and opportunities related to the fields of activity, to inform you about special campaigns, promotions and discounts. , to inform you about events, services and developments, to analyze for the improvement of services, to ensure workplace safety, to copy / backup to prevent data loss, to make invoicing, to send sms, commercial electronic messages, to inform you and our followers on our social media accounts. , measuring patient satisfaction and answering all your questions and complaints within our healthcare services, ensuring digital and physical data security, and legal obligations as required or required by legal regulations. It can be processed for the purposes of ensuring the fulfillment of the data and for other purposes specified in the KVKK.

To Whom Do We Transfer Your Personal Data and For What Purpose?

KVKK and above I and II. Your personal data collected in accordance with the Articles; In accordance with the basic principles stipulated by the KVKK and within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK and for the purposes stated above; Invoicing your e-mail address (if you give your consent) to the company from which Iys bulk mailing service is received, to inform you about our services, to inform you about our services, to inform you about your appointments, to inform you about events, services and developments, to send sms, commercial electronic messages To our accountant, your photo and video image (if you give your consent) to the company that manages our social media accounts, to the security company or official authorities in case of legal necessity or legitimate interest, and for other purposes specified in the KVKK; Legal representatives and third parties that we receive consultancy from, including lawyers, financial advisors, consultants, auditors, with whom we work in case of legal, legal necessity, legitimate interest, can be transferred to laboratories, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals, where service is received for medical examination and analysis. .

As a Data Owner, What Are Your Rights Enumerated in Article 11 of KVKK?

As a personal data owner, learning whether your personal data is processed, requesting information if your personal data has been processed, learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose, knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, requesting correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing. and requesting the notification of the transaction made in this context to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in the event that the reasons requiring it to be processed disappear despite the fact that it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of the KVKK and other relevant laws, and requesting that the transaction carried out within this scope be notified to the third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems, You have the right to withdraw your consent and to demand the compensation of your damage in case your personal data is damaged due to unlawful processing.

How will you exercise your rights as a data owner?

In order to use the above-mentioned rights you have in accordance with Article 11 of the KVKK; You can contact “Op.Dr.Dürdane Keskin” (Contact Address: Maidan C Blok No:37, 06510 Çankaya) by submitting your written application in person or through a notary public. ” Op.Dr.Dürdane Keskin” will be finalized within thirty (30) days at the latest.

You can also send your requests within the scope of Article 11 of the Law “Regulating the Rights of the Relevant Person” in writing to the address “Nasuh Akar Mahallesi 1407 street No: 4 Çankaya / Ankara” of the Personal Data Protection Authority in accordance with the “Communiqué on the Procedure and Principles of Application to the Data Controller” or www. You can submit it by applying online to .kvkk.gov.tr.

How Long Will Your Personal Data Be Processed?

In accordance with KVKK, your personal data processed for the purposes specified in the Clarification Text and Consent Text, KVKK art. It will be deleted, destroyed or anonymized by us when the purpose of processing according to 7/f.1 ceases and/or when the statute of limitations for us to process your data expires in accordance with the legislation.

In accordance with KVKK, “Op.Dr.Dürdane Keskin” May Process Your Personal Data Without Your Express Consent:

Pursuant to Article 5 of the KVKK, your personal data, which is stated above and obtained in accordance with the law, may be processed without your explicit consent in the following cases:

In cases where it is expressly stipulated in the laws, if you are unable to express your consent as the data owner due to the actual impossibility, or in cases where your consent is not legally valid, the processing of your personal data is mandatory for the protection of your or someone else’s life or bodily integrity, if it is mandatory for the fulfillment of a legal obligation, your personal data Data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of


“Op.Dr.Dürdane Keskin” as a data controller within the scope of KVKK; takes all necessary physical, digital, technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security in order to prevent the unlawful processing of personal data, to prevent unlawful access to personal data, and to ensure the preservation of personal data.